Programa psoe elecciones generales 2011 pdf tax

As has been explained on many occasions by the acting. The 2011 spanish general election was held on sunday, 20 november 2011, to elect the 10th cortes generales of the kingdom of spain. The outcome of the general elections held in spain on 20 decem ber 2015 20d was. Comunidades escrutado candidaturas votos diputados. Candidaturas votos diputados diputados votos candidaturas. The spanish socialist workers party psoe lost the general elections of. Analysis of the economic proposals of the main political parties in. Also for the first time in a general election, the psoe failed to come out on top in both. The 2011 spanish general election was held on sunday, 20 november 2011, to elect the 10th.

Programa psoe innovacion investigacion y desarrollo. Convivencia en igualdad 93 hacia una economia mas productiva i. Caida del bipartidismo en las ultimas elecciones generales. Elecciones generales 2011 congreso candidaturas ganadoras. Programa electoral del psoe elecciones generales 2011.